Monday, February 8, 2010

Poem for Newspaper....

What should I submit for newspaper? One of these two? Or do they suck?

1. This one's for you, Dan. As many of them are. This is how much you meant to me.
Somewhere, somehow
Someone is there for her
Lost, they maybe are
Somewhere, they’ll forever be.

Where? she thinks
For a look around gives nothing.

Alone, she cries,
An act of desperation waiting to consume
Her very soul burned through
A black hole, the solar system of her heart.

Somewhere, somehow
Someone finds her
How long, she asks, did it take?
What, someone asks,
To figure out you love me?

Someone asks no questions, gives no answers
She is okay, without answers
Love is okay, without answers.

She is not she any longer
She, she is me.
Loved, and wanted.

And as he places a flower gently in my hair
I smile
Because for the first time
I’ve found life.

OR 2. This one's for you, too. Taking the Terra Nova testing the day after you broke up with me was kinda stressful.
Forever, it seems
There is silence.
So much time is given
So little is needed.
For one, maybe some,
Pure bitter, breaking
Numbness, senseless
Is there nothing more
Than this?
The feeling that seems
Not to be doubt
But beyond.
For one, maybe many,
Nothing goes on
Blank empty life
Each slight turn of paper
Every tap of a foot
Or fingertip upon the floor
Loud, amplified
Silence, it hurts, one says
Sometimes speaks it all.